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PHPSESSID: Session management
cookieconsent_dismissed: Old cookie policy accepted
somevalue: Session management
G_AUTHUSER_H ( Sign in with Google
G_ENABLED_IDPS ( Sign in with Google
NID ( Sign in with Google
1P_JAR ( Sign in with Google
CONSENT ( Sign in with Google
darkmode: Enable or disable dark theme
onSaveCreateNew: Create a new card directly after saving
showActivityBar: Show or hide the activity bar
cardsetListLayout: Compact or wide list of cardsets
newCardLayout: Compact, medium, or wide card layout when creating card
viewCardLayout: Compact, medium, or wide card layout when browsing card
learnCardLayout: Compact, medium, or wide card layout when studying
focusMyAnswerText: Set focus to the answer field in study mode
show-lp-bar: Show or hide study point bar
tinymcePanelVisibility: Show or hide tinyMce editor toolbar
cardSetLegendUnderstood: First explanation of cardsets hidden
repetico-app-banner-closed: Advertisement for the app closed
scoring-banner-2014-closed: Explanation banner for study points closed
news-notice-closed: News headline closed
numberOfNewCards: Number of created cards
category_preselection_(cardset-id): Preselection of categories for new cards
hideAutomaticRecommendations: Advertisement for buyable cardset hidden
newCardQuestionType: Create a normal card or multiple choice as default
mcOptionsCount-(cardset-id): Default number of multiple choice answers for new cards
cardsetCardsLayout-(cardset-id): Type of card list in cardset
cookieSelection: Saved result of this cookie selection
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These are some cookies by ourselves, which we use to track some anonymous buying- and sign-up-statistics. Also, there are some cookies by Google used for Google Analytics. So, if you disable these cookies, you disable Google Analytics for this site.
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referrer: From which other website do new users come
proPurchaseTrigger: Which was the banner or ad which led users to buy the PRO version
_gat_UA-29510209-2 ( Google Analytics
_ga ( Google Analytics
_gid ( Google Analytics
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or by username or mail address:
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Downtime for Maintenance in:
Study level
Set a new study level for the card. Warning: This can change the study schedule in a way which impairs your studying success.
Study level:
Would you like to use the button "Partially Known"?
It is a button which enables you to choose something in between of "known" and "not known". It looks like this:
If you click on this button, the learning level will not be set to 0, but one level down. In addition, you can see in the learning progress statistics how many cards you have partially known. There is also a new learning mode where you can limit yourself to "partially known" cards.
You can also enable or disable the button later in the general settings.
Select categories
Move card to position
Current position:
Target prosition:
Automatic reading
Let the question and/or answer be read automatically while learning.
Read question side and multiple choice answers automatically
Read answer or explanation side automatically
Text is only read out if a language is defined for the corresponding sides of the cardset cards.
Write directly to the author: Your annotations, additions and corrections.
All cards
Card 1 of 4
Progress: 0%
Remaining cards:4
Fetch decode execute cycle
What do those words mean?
Fetch decode execute cycle
What do those words mean?
Fetch decode execute cycle What do those words mean?
Upgrade to Repetico PRO to assign keywords to the card. Keywords can be used to study cards of a specific topic across cardsets.
Fetch: the control unit fetches a machine code instruction from the main memory.
Decode: the control unit decodes the instruction so it knows what action to carry.
Execute: the control unit sends the instruction to the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit- where data is processed). The ALU carries out the action.
Fetch: the control unit fetches a machine code instruction from the main memory.
Decode: the control unit decodes the instruction so it knows what action to carry.
Execute: the control unit sends the instruction to the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit- where data is processed). The ALU carries out the action.
Fetch: the control unit fetches a machine code instruction from the main memory. Decode: the control unit decodes the instruction so it knows what action to carry. Execute: the control unit sends the instruction to the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit- where data is processed). The ALU carries out the action.