Exam preparation

Flashcard learning is one of the best methods of anchoring knowledge in long-term memory. And knowledge firmly anchored in memory is the best prerequisite for a successful examination. With Repetico, you can systematically acquire large amounts of knowledge with a method that has been tried and tested for a long time, which gives you the security you need in the stressful situation of an exam.
The best Repetico learning mode that helps to achieve this is certainly the learning schedule. The cards are presented at the exact time intervals that best help to store knowledge in long-term memory. It is of course important to start learning at an early stage.
In the course of exam preparation there are, of course, individual needs with regard to the focal points of the contents of the query, or also the need to work through large amounts of knowledge as comprehensively as possible in as short a time as possible. For this purpose there are different, further learning modes available, as well as some parameters, with which one can adapt the sequence of the query in each of the learning modes.
The following learning modes are available on the Repetico website and in the apps:
Study schedule
This mode works according to the Leitner principle - this means that unknown cards are presented the next day; known cards the next but one. If a card has been known a second time, it will only reappear four days later - and so on, with ever increasing intervals of time. This mode is best suited for anchoring knowledge in long-term memory - scientifically proven.
If, according to the learning plan, no card is currently due, i.e. the plan is still empty, or all cards due today have been queried, then previously unlearned cards are automatically queried. Each card that is queried for the first time is automatically included in the learning plan.
All cards
This mode is well suited to go through everything again shortly before an exam, or to go through new file card sets. In combination with the random order, this mode is good for simulating a test situation.
When browsing through index cards or during the query, you can mark individual index cards as favorites. Sometimes it is easy to estimate which questions are the most important. This check mode makes it possible to concentrate on exactly these questions during the query.
Not yet queried
If you only use the learning plan mode and mostly work through repetitions of previously queried cards, this is very good for anchoring the knowledge in the long-term memory, but of course there is the danger that certain cards or sets of cards have no chance at all to be queried and become part of the learning plan, which would of course result in knowledge gaps. This learning mode is therefore very well suited to prevent this and to ensure that every existing file card has also been queried once.
In this mode, only cards are queried that were not known the last time they were queried (no matter in which learning mode). This allows you to concentrate on exactly those areas of knowledge that you had the most difficulty with last time.