English Final Exam

General information




2010-05-24 22:04 by ldallara_ediscio

Number of co-learners


Number of flashcards



Who can see the flashcards and join studying?

Every Repetico-user

Can anybody apply for co-learning?

No, you can only be invited.

Who is allowed to invite users and/or to accept applications?

Only ldallara_ediscio and cardset admins

Who is allowed to edit flashcards?

Only ldallara_ediscio and cardset admins

Who is allowed to add flashcards?

Only ldallara_ediscio and cardset admins


Definitions of literary terms

Advantages of Repetico:

  • Recommended by professors and learning experts
  • Study everywhere - online & mobile with the Repetico App
  • Intelligent repetition in scientifically tested intervals
  • Edit and complement flashcards and add own cards
  • Detailed statistics for monitoring of the own learning progress
  • Follow the activities of friends and your learning groups
  • Study with fun and success

This is what others say about Repetico:

"By the automated repetition of the flashcards, the student focuses target-aimedly on areas which demand further memorizing."

Prof. Dr. Hanno Kube, University of Heidelberg


  • Created by: ldallara_ediscio
  • Created on: 2010-05-24